Indus Script Museum

Indus Script Museum

Among the main objectives of the Sindhi Language Authority have been the establishment of Indus Script Museum and Language Laboratory along with many other important projects. Because we still have the unfinished work of Sindulkat. Considering this, the former chairman of the institution, Dr. Muhammad Ali Manjhi, presented this plan to the board of governors of the institution. After the approval of the Board of Governors, the work has been started by establishing this Indus Script Museum section regularly in the authority. Old samples of Indus script, Sindhi scripts and other related items are framed As this is an initial step, much more work is planned on this. In which all the materials related to the origin of the Indus script were collected and decorated, all samples of the old script were collected, 200 scripts of the Sindhi script were colored, going to the mound of Mohan and consulting with the experts of language and archeology. Ms. Kulsoom Memon is in charge of the Indus Script Museum Section.
  • Incharge:

    Kulsoom Memon

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